Articles In English

How to integrate Market Data BM&FBOVESPA through REST web services (XML or JSON)

Avatar do Vitor Precioso

Por Vitor Precioso

24 outubro 2016 - 17:09 | Atualizado em 19 setembro 2023 - 18:22


Leia este artigo também em Português. Since the beginning of the BM&FBOVESPA “electronification” with DMA technology, it has become increasingly necessary to supply services, systems and portals with product data in the BM&FBOVESPA trading environment. We talked about it on InfoMoney. In this sense, Cedro offers real-time market data services from BM&FBOVESPA on streaming (Crystal Data Feed), disseminated through our CMP protocol (Cedro Message Protocol) and also through a REST service bus (web API/webservices), with XML or JSON response – known as Web Feeder.

The Web Feeder solution implements the REST standard, and third-party solutions can interact and exchange data over XML or JSON. To join, please request a demo account here (or contact You´ll receive access data and documentation to connect.

The Web Feeder Market Data services allows you to:

  • Check real-time or delayed-stock quotes for BOVESPA and BM&F markets
  • Check rates, indicators and currencies quotes
  • Times & Trades for BOVESPA and BM&F markets
  • Lower Highs and Higher Lows for BOVESPA market

Here is an example of how to get quotes for a particular asset:

Authentication to establish session:


Quotation Service:



  1. {“symbol”:”petr4″,”timeUpdate”:”20-02-2016 16:00:58″,”dateTrade”:”19-02-2016 00:00:00″,”lastTrade”:46,”previous”:4.46,”change”:0.0,”changeMonth”:-7.851243,”bid”:4.43,”ask”:4.47,”timeLastTrade”:”19-02-2016 18:08:07″,”dateTradeObj”:”Feb 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM”,”quantity”:0.0,”quantityLast”:2200.0,”quantityTrades”:23527.0,”volumeAmount”:5.6031E7,”volumeFinancier”:2.50595264E8,”high”:4.57,”low”:4.4,”open”:4.5,”timeBid”:”17:34:00″,”timeAsk”:”17:29:00″,”volumeBid”:16700.0,”volumeAsk”:3200.0,”volumeBetterBid”:500.0,”volumeBetterAsk”:3200.0,”lastTradeLastWeek”:4.45,”lastTradeLastMonth”:4.84,”lastTradeLastYear”:6.7,”interest”:5.6020429E9,”situation”:”2″,”average”:4.472,”execPrice”:0.0,”tickSize”:2,”timeLastTradeSting”:”180807″,”dateLastTradeString”:”20160219″}

By default, response is on JSON format. If you want XML format, just add the XML parameter:


How to contact Cedro and start integration?

Test BM&FBOVESPA Market Data services from Cedro Technologies via Web Feeder (XML or JSON) in your applications and services. You can request a demonstration or contact us at so that we can understand your need.

In addition to RESTful-based services, you can learn more about BM&FBOVESPA market data services on streaming provided by Cedro here.

Watch the video below about Crystal Data Feed:


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