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Webservice API for Dollar, Euro, Pound and other currencies – Quotes and Data

Avatar do Bruno Zago

Por Bruno Zago

04 janeiro 2017 - 18:30 | Atualizado em 29 março 2023 - 17:33


Surely you have already come across the need to get the Dollar, Euro and Pound quotes to feed some system, website, intranet or even to automate some service of your company. The great difficulty is to obtain a reliable service based on APIs, avoiding the parses of sites. Therefore, having a API webservice for Dollar, Euro, Pound and other currencies can facilitate your financial project.

Due to the lack of reliable APIs, many developers use the “parser” method on some website (reading their source code / HTML) to obtain the rates. This “solution” has many problems, because if the site changes format, your system may stop working or might still come across at certain times with wrong or outdated rates, aside from the fact that you may be committing a fraud by searching and publishing information without authorization from the source.

In order to solve this, CEDRO provides, through its Anywhere platform – the Crystal Data Feed service – with several APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for third party services of delivery of stock, currency and indicator rates such as. APIs are available through REST (XML / JSON) services, websockets and sockets.

Various currencies available

Dollar (DOL), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (ARS), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swiss Francs (CHF), Chinese Yuan (CLP), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Japanese Yen , Mexican Peso (MXN), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Uruguayan Peso (UYU) and South African Rand (ZAR).

With the availability of APIs by CEDRO Technologies, a third-party application can quickly consume real-time currency data, rates, indicators and quotes from BM&FBOVESPA stocks and futures. CEDRO also provides APIs for trading and submitting orders into BM&FBOVESPA and international markets.

Available protocols

XML / JSON Standard: via Webfeeder service – Indicated for websites, portals, applications and general internet applications. Real-time quotes via streaming: via Crystal Data Feed service- indicated for those who need to receive data in real time.


Uma resposta para “Webservice API for Dollar, Euro, Pound and other currencies – Quotes and Data”

  1. Avatar do Giovanni Giovanni disse:

    Sera, cedro fornisce anche api di materie prime (oro.argento.platino e palladio)?

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